Contact Lenses: The Simplest Way to Restore Clear Vision
If you’re not ready for corrective surgery, contacts may be the best solution for you! At Boston Vision, we offer many different types of contact lenses and can help you find the perfect pair for your individual concerns and comfort level.
Types of Contact Lenses
Our eye doctors can recommend the following types of contacts at your appointment:
Soft Lenses
Soft contact lenses are exactly what they sound like. This type of contact is made from a soft, flexible plastic that is often more comfortable than hard lenses. Soft contacts are often available as disposable contacts that are thrown away daily, every few days, or monthly. This short-term wear is necessary since soft lenses can easily absorb pollutants from the environment or lotions and soaps on your hand. If worn for more than one day, the lenses must be thoroughly disinfected and soaked in solution overnight.
Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses
Rigid gas permeable contacts (RGP) have a more rigid structure and can therefore last longer. These hard contacts are available as bifocal contact lenses and as a treatment for corneal refraction. They can also treat common refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.
Extended-Wear Lenses
There are two types of extended-wear lenses. Some extended-wear contacts can be overnight and do not have to be replaced for up to 30 days. Extended-wear disposable lenses can also be worn for up to 30 days but should not be worn overnight.
Disposable Contact Lenses
Disposable contact lenses refer to any short-term contact lens that is eventually thrown away. Daily disposable contacts are a great choice for young children. Other disposable contacts can be worn for two weeks, one month, or other specified time frame. Make sure to follow the instructions from your eye doctor regarding the specific type of contacts you have and how often they should be thrown away and replaced.
Are Contact Lenses Right for You?
Many people who do not want corrective eye surgery (or are not candidates) can enjoy the benefits of contact lenses. Unlike eyeglasses, contacts do not get in the way of exercising and can be worn in all weather, including rain or fog. Many people simply do not like the look of glasses and prefer to wear contact lenses. Although wearing contacts can take some getting used to, they are relatively simple to use and are a great option to restore clear vision.
Order Contacts Today
At Boston Vision, we offer glasses and contact lenses to patients in need of non-surgical vision correction. Schedule an appointment today at one of our offices and we will be happy to assess your eyes and recommend the right type of contacts for your care. If you are a returning patient with an existing contact lens prescription, you can also order your contacts online.