LASIK and PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) have come a long way since first approved by the FDA more than 20 years ago. They have become the laser vision correction procedure of choice for most patients. Other options have also proven to be safe and effective such as the implantable contact lens (ICL, and refractive lens exchange.

Both LASIK and PRK involve using an excimer laser to reshape the cornea to improve refractive errors and achieve the desired vision after surgery. It also ensures you no longer have a need to wear glasses or contact lenses. These are the main lasers used in the US today. Boston Vision carries both technologies. Most patients will do as well on both types of laser-assisted treatment. On occasion, some patients are better candidates for one versus another. 


What is the Alcon Wavelight® EX500 Excimer Laser?

One of the newest advancements in LASIK technology is the Wavelight® EX500 Excimer Laser from Alcon. This is a state-of-the-art laser that helps to make LASIK surgery more effective. The laser’s ablation speed operates at 500Hz. This means that it checks the position of the eye 500 times a second, making this system the most accurate and efficient device on the market for laser treatment. It also includes an innovative swivel bed that decreases the time for flap creation and laser surgery. 

What Are the Advantages of this Device?

At Boston Vision, we use the most advanced technology to help provide better vision to our patients as well as the most effective care when getting refractive surgery. The Wavelight EX500 Excimer Laser offers many benefits when used in the LASIK procedure. Innovative engineering and technology help to reduce the potential for:

  • Corneal flap shrinkage
  • Stromal dehydration of the cornea
  • Sensitivity to eye movements
  • Patient fixation fatigue

Schedule an Appointment 

To learn more about the LASIK and PRK technology and whether you are a good candidate, schedule an appointment at Boston Vision by booking an appointment online or giving us a call at 617-202-3491.

LASIK and PRK procedures are available at our Brookline, Milford, Medford, Wellesley, and Andover locations.

For more questions and answers from our eye surgeons about the various refractive options go to To discuss the different procedures with an eye surgeon or a Boston Vision patient who already had them, go to

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