Laser Floater Removal FAQs
What are Floaters?
An eye floater is found in the vitreous humor, the clear fluid that fills the interior of each eye. These small strands and debris particles create shadows on the retina. This results in the appearance of floaters moving around or floating in the person’s vision.
How Do Floaters Occur?
When a person is young, the vitreous jelly is completely clear. During the aging process, the vitreous can form fibers of collagen. As the fibers collapse, they form clumps of strings, cobwebs, or spots. In some cases, the vitreous completely peels away which results in even more floaters. This is referred to as vitreous detachment.
Understanding Laser Floater Removal
Laser floater removal or vitreolysis is a painless, non-invasive procedure to eliminate floaters in addition to any visual disturbances. During treatment, laser light is focused on each floater in nanosecond pulses. This separates the strands, evaporating the floaters. According to clinical studies, the treatment is both effective and safe.
The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis at Boston Vision. We use numbing eye drops to ensure comfort throughout the process. Most people can see little shadows or spots being vaporized into bubbles of gas during the treatment. These spots dissolve, then are reabsorbed by the vitreous humor. The majority of treatments require about 20 minutes. Some people will need to have additional treatment.
Once the treatment is complete, some patients see little specks within their vision. These are bubbles of gas that will dissolve quickly. Certain patients experience some mild discomfort, temporary blurred vision or redness.
Although rare, it is possible to experience complications or side effects. This can include a retinal tear, IOP or intraocular pressure spike or cataracts.
Does Insurance Cover the Laser Floater Removal?
In most cases, the procedure is covered by insurance. The coverage depends on the amount of vision impairment experienced by the patient or medical necessity.
Is a Laser Effective for All Types of Floaters?
No, there are some floaters unable to be treated safely using laser floater removal. Roughly 80% of all floaters can be treated. If the floater is positioned too close to the lens or retina, laser treatment may not be possible. In this instance, vitrectomy surgery may be required.
Some people manage to ignore their floaters and do not take any action to have them removed. Laser floater removal is a popular option.
Schedule a Consultation about Floater Removal in Boston
The best way to begin your floater removal journey is to schedule a consultation with Boston Vision. Our professionals have been helping people in the community for more than 20 years by offering innovative and exceptional procedures for proper eye care. Get in touch with our doctors about getting rid of your floaters with an easy and quick treatment by contacting one of our offices or booking an appointment online today!