What Makes A Good LASIK Candidate?

LASIK surgery alters the shape of the cornea. Because LASIK is a very advanced and precise procedure, it’s important to determine if you’re a good candidate. If you have been declined in the past, be aware that the technology is always improving. Whether you’re considering LASIK for the first time or not, here are some important factors when it comes to candidacy.

You cannot have dry eyes

Occasionally, LASIK can cause dry eyes. If you already have dry eyes, LASIK can cause even greater symptoms like burning, stinging and discomfort.

There are options to increase the moisture level in your eyes, and your eye doctor can recommend your best options. This might include a course of supplements, such as fish oil or flaxseed. Adding artificial tears to your routine could raise your eye moisture level until you can tolerate surgery. However, medicated drops may be required until your eyes heal completely.

Your prescription cannot be too extreme

For those who have had to wear glasses for a very long time, the idea of corrective surgery could seem like a miracle. However, those with extreme vision challenges may not be good candidates for Lasik because too much corneal tissue has to be removed to see successfully. If you are extremely

  • nearsighted
  • farsighted
  • astigmatic

you may not be a good candidate for a LASIK procedure. However, you may be a good candidate for an implantable lens. Make sure to speak with your eye doctor about your best options.

You must reach a certain age

Your eyes have to reach a certain maturity to tolerate LASIK surgery. This means you may not be a good candidate if you’re too young. For example, if you have the surgery at 18, the aging process can still impact your eyes, negating your results. Not only are you still at risk of presbyopia changes at around the age of forty, but menopause and aging in general can lead to dry eyes.

You must be healthy

No matter how good your chances of a successful surgery are, LASIK requires healing. Anything that gets in the way of healing lessens your chance of a good outcome.

For those who struggle with any autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, or HIV, your ability to heal may be limited. During the healing process, if you are prone to inflammation, there is a real chance of scarring that could impact your ability to see. Because your corneal thickness is finite, any scarring could be devastating. Your doctor can determine if you’re healthy enough for LASIK, so make sure to talk with them.

Schedule a Consultation

LASIK can be life-changing with just a quick procedure. To meet with our team and learn more, schedule a free LASIK consultation by calling our Boston-area offices or filling out our online form.

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